I recently ran a short halloween rpg game for my son and his friend (both 8). Coming up with a story designed to appeal to children wasn’t difficult… but I wasn’t sure what rules to use. Anything too complicated and they’d quickly lose interest. But, I needed some rules that […]
I have been thinking about games, dice and probability. This has obviously caused much smoke to eminate from my ears and required long periods of lying down and groaning – but has also proved quite interesting. So often we play games and just go along with things – we trust […]
I am going to be writing some posts about probability in games… because… erm…. it interests me. Anyway – to start this category off, here is a youtube video on dice that I have stumbled across during my research…. By loading the video, you agree to YouTube's privacy policy.Learn more […]
A fascinating video about the ancient ‘Royal Game of Ur’. This is something I need to get and play. I have had a look at a few versions available online. Some make a mind-numbingly stupid mistake – by replacing the 4 tetrahedral dice (with what seems to be with two […]
“On the farm, every Friday, on the farm, it’s rabbit pie day….” Wargames tend to involve powerful armies… mighty weapons…. the stuff of ballads… but does that have to be the case? Well – I decided no! Together with my trusty 6-year-old helper, we set up a gaming table and […]